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Brain Injury Treatment Can Be Costly; Some Cannot Afford It

Families do their best to care for their loved ones when they are in need. But sometimes, the burden of care can be too much. This has likely happened to some families of individuals that have suffered from traumatic brain injuries in Colorado. The safest option for them is to take their loved ones to a facility that will care for the injured individuals.

The traumatic brain injury is a devastating injury that experts are still trying to fully understand. TBI occurs when the brain collides with the inside of a skull. This can create different consequences depending on the location of the injury and the severity of impact. For some, it creates feelings of violence and anger. Others find themselves unable to use motor skills that they once had mastered.

Due to the nature of the injury, a TBI can happen almost anywhere. Some experience the injury from a fall while others receive them during car accidents. Recreational and professional athletes have sustained brain injuries as have members of the U.S. military. Basically, TBI can happen in any situation where a person is moving at an accelerated rate and has the chance to experience a sudden force of resistance.

In extreme cases, families try their best to learn to care for the victim but are simply unable to do so, as they may be financially, physically or emotionally incapable. But the costs of the extensive rehabilitation necessary to truly help a person with a brain injury are expensive: According to the Brain Injury Association of America, these costs vary between $600 and $8,000 per day.

In some situations, the person in need of care is a fully-grown son or daughter of a couple either nearing or already in retirement. This creates many issues considering the financial and physical problems that often arise as an individual ages. Colorado residents dealing with a brain injury or a loved one who has suffered such an injury could contact an experienced attorney to learn about their legal options regarding insurance, compensation and eligibility for disability care. Such cases could be especially important if the injury is believed to have occurred due to the negligence of someone else.

Source: Clarion Ledger,Care a struggle for families of traumatic brain injury victims, Jimmie E. Gates, Oct. 28, 2012

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