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Distracted Driving in Colorado: Criminal Consequences, Civil Claims

Colorado distracted driving accidents can result from many types of negligent behavior. Using cell phones and other handheld electronic devices, eating, applying makeup, and talking to passengers are among the most common reasons for a driver to forget about the road for only a second or two. Just a moment’s inattention is enough for a speeding vehicle to run a red light, rear-end another vehicle, miss a curve or drift over the center line into oncoming traffic.

Colorado law prohibits texting by all drivers and bans cell phone use by drivers under the age of 18, and the vast majority of other states have enacted similar or stricter laws against distracted driving. Despite this national trend, a survey from Consumer Reports revealed that 63 percent of drivers under 30 used a handheld phone while driving, and 30 percent admitted to texting.

A recent Denver Post article warned drivers of a police campaign to target distracted drivers. Private groups regularly mount public service efforts, such as the Colorado Springs insurance agent who distributes thumb bands to teens printed with the message “TXTNG KILLS.” Yet the most recent U.S. Department of Transportation statistics show 5,474 annual U.S. highway deaths and nearly 450,000 annual injuries from motor vehicle crashes involving distracted driving.

Denver Car Accident Injury Lawyers: Protecting Clients’ Rights

When distracted driving leads to serious injuries or fatalities, injury victims and surviving family members deserve answers. A consultation with a personal injury attorney is the first step to understanding your full range of options in a car accident lawsuit involving serious injuries or wrongful death.

Too often, distracted driving results in traumatic brain injuries, back injuries and other medical conditions that require long-term medical care. Medical expenses are often the largest financial burden an injury victim’s family faces going forward, but lost income, property losses and other damages must also be considered. With guidance from a Denver car accident law firm, a client can focus on recovery and trust that the legal issues are in good hands.

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