Funky Trumpet Player Becomes Victim of Dog Bite
Many people know and love man’s best friend. But owning a dog can be a burden if the pet is not socialized and trained well, especially during instances of violence. Dogs are strong animals and can cause severe damage to a human being and that is what happened in a recent attack on a well-known musician.
Efrem Towns of the Dirty Dozen Brass Band was the victim of a dog bite at a hotel he and his band were staying at on Nov. 18. According to reports, Towns was knocking on another hotel room where a bandmate was staying. The knock may have gotten the attention of the dog, who soon after, lunged at Towns and the baritone sax player for the band. The dog was in a room where occupants had left the door open. This allowed the dog to attack Towns.
The victim was rushed to a nearby hospital where physicians put in 30 stitches, all of which were near to the man’s groin area. His doctors said that he is on bed rest for some time, which forced him to miss a recent show in Colorado. The musician plays trumpet in the Dirty Dozen Brass Band, which has been touring since 1977 when the band was created.
According to reports, the musician is able to practice while on bed rest but he is currently rather miserable and uncomfortable so he may not be doing so. He added that he is still a dog person and hopes that the animal will not be put to sleep. It is not clear what authorities plan to do with the animal that bit the trumpeter. It is unclear whether any sort of liability will be placed on the owners of the hotel or dog. A Colorado resident who has suffered an injury that they believe could have been avoided may wish to look into a premises liability suit in order to receive potential compensation.
Source: The Inquisitr, “Vicious Dog Bites Trumpeter Inside Atlanta Hotel,” James Johnson, Nov. 25, 2012