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Lowering the Risk of a Spinal Cord Injury

There are many ways that a person can sustain a spinal cord injury in Colorado. Some of the most common ways include motor vehicle accidents, falls and sports injuries. Nearly everyone in the state participates in one or more activities that expose individuals to situations in which they may find themselves susceptible to a spinal cord injury. Experts have many suggestions to help avoid sustaining severe damage to the spine.

In the case of motor vehicle accidents, it is suggested that vehicle occupants always wear their seat belts. In addition, child safety seats should be properly implemented and any child under the age of 12 years old should be riding in the back seat. Experts also note that people should not drive when they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs as this can increase the chance of becoming involved in an accident.

For falls, suggestions include installing nonslip mats on tile and ceramic surfaces as well as installing handrails along stairways. Using a step stool with a grab bar to reach high places can decrease the chance of falling. Putting safety gates in for children near potentially dangerous areas such as staircases can also reduce the risk of spine injury.

Sports injuries are something that can be avoided altogether by not participating, but many people find the activities too fun to resist. Wearing proper safety gear and adhering to rules and guidelines can eliminate much of the risk of a spinal cord injury for people playing football, going skiing or snowboarding.

The consequences of a spinal cord injury can include loss of bladder control, loss of bowel control, paralysis, difficulty walking, difficulty breathing, loss of sensation in areas of the body, and extreme amounts of back pain, just to name a few. If the cause of the injury can be blamed on another entity, a lawsuit may be able to compensate a person for the costs of the medical care necessary to address the damage.

Source: Oak Ridger, “Dealing with spinal cord injuries,” March 8, 2013

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