Tips for Safe Driving in Fall and Winter
It’s no secret that snowy, slippery conditions can make it difficult to maintain control of your vehicle. Denver’s first snowstorm of 2019 is all the evidence needed, with nearly 200 accidents reported, according to FOX31 Denver. While fall and winter weather are inevitable, a car accident doesn’t need to be. Use the following tips to minimize your risk on the road.
Accidents can quickly become catastrophic when slick roads are involved, and even the most competent driver can become a victim of an inexperienced or irresponsible motorist. At the Frickey Law Firm, our auto accident attorneys can help you secure fair compensation for your injuries, allowing you to make your recovery a priority.
What to Know about Driving in Snow
Colorado natives and transplants alike can benefit from brushing up on these driving tips for snowy conditions. After cruising through summer, it’s helpful to refresh yourself on the risks and best practices associated with driving in snow and ice. Keep the following tips in mind:
Keep it steady – Avoid sudden acceleration or slamming on the brakes when on slippery roads. Whether you have wet leaves, snow, or ice beneath your tires, braking hard could throw you out of control. Steady, gentle use of the pedals helps you avoid skidding and sliding when traction is an issue.
Slow down – Slower speeds allow you more control in many winter driving situations. Since you can’t count on stopping quickly, you don’t want to travel at high speeds.
Hill strategy – Traveling uphill, however, requires some speed. Gravity and icy roads can keep you from being able to accelerate up a hill. Try to gradually gain momentum as you come upon an incline, so you will have enough speed to reach the top without having to rely too heavily on the gas pedal.
Wide turns – Keep your speed low, and widen your turns to avoid losing control.
Hidden hazards – Be mindful that snow can mask ice and other hazards on the road that put you at risk of an accident.
Hang Back – Following too closely in hazardous conditions can easily backfire. Increase normal following distance in case those in front of you stop abruptly or if you hit a patch of ice.
Lower your Risk of Auto Accidents this Fall and Winter
In addition to knowing how to drive when the roads are slick, you can take some steps before hitting the road to minimize your risk of an accident. Remember to:
Get your Vehicle Ready – Take care of your vehicle, so it can take care of you. Make sure your brakes, tires, and windshield wipers are in good condition. Check fluids, tire pressure, and headlights regularly. You may want to use the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) vehicle winterization checklist.
Allow Extra Time – Rushing around in slippery conditions puts you and others at risk. Give yourself ample time to arrive at your destination. Factor in slower driving speeds, the time it takes to clear your vehicle of snow and ice, and traffic back-ups.
Plan Ahead – It can be hard to keep up with Colorado weather, but doing so allows you to plan ahead to avoid poor road conditions and congestion. Stock up on groceries before a storm hits, and arrange to work from home or arrive late to minimize road travel if possible
Schedule your Free Auto Accident Consultation
The Frickey Law Firm team hopes that these tips help you stay safe in dangerous driving conditions this fall and winter. In the unfortunate event that you are car accident victim, we are here to help. Call 303-237-7373 to schedule a free consultation with one of our car accident attorneys. We serve the communities of Lakewood, Denver, Boulder, and the nearby areas.