Worksite Wellness Programs Decrease Injury Rates
Some employers are attempting to reduce their costs and increase productivity by implementing worksite-wellness programs. One of the major benefits to companies that bring such programs to the workplace includes reduced workers’ compensation costs. According to reports, worksite-wellness programs reduce disability costs, health-plan costs, sick leave and workers’ compensation costs by approximately 25 percent.
In addition to these decreases, a noticeable increase in productivity gives employers a fiscal reason to bring such programs to worksites. But many employers are still not doing this, even though it can reduce the number of injuries that employees are susceptible to due to personal health conditions. Employers that choose not to participate often see themselves as too large to start such programs, even though they and their employees stand to benefit the most. Some organizations, such as San Juan Basin Health, are trying to convince employers to implement procedures associated with worksite wellness so that people can become healthier.
While employers reap financial benefits, the physical benefits are awarded to the employees participating in the programs. Participants are shown that making healthier decisions related to nutrition and exercise is not hard and can lead to a better quality of life. In addition, some worksite-wellness programs address stress management, allowing individuals to learn how to deal with work and other factors in their lives in healthier ways.
Even if your employer does provide a worksite-wellness program and gives you ample time to participate in it, it does not mean that they are not susceptible to a workers’ compensation claim. No matter what companies do, no workplace is perfectly safe-injuries and accidents will continue to happen. If such an injury is serious enough to warrant time off, be sure to consider the option of filing a claim so you can recuperate away from the stressors of the workplace.
Source: Durango Herald, “Worksite-wellness program benefits us all,” Jane Looney, Nov. 6, 2012